Amsterdam +31649864947

Nuru Massage Amsterdam Escort Service Camelia

Nuru Massage Escort Amsterdam

Best Erotic Nuru Massage Amsterdam Escort

Hi, and welcome to the pages of, the website that represents the principal escort agency in Amsterdam. We take care of supplying the best escorts for all our customers and of realizing everything they require. Do you want a woman to accompany you wherever you want, or who is willing to have sex or massage sex with you? We can give you what you are looking for, and much more.

My name is Daiana, I am the general manager of the agency, and I take care of making sure that everything is perfect and that every customer has what he asked for, and more.

Every single extra service provided by our girls is able to satisfy any request, and in my private meetings with escort babes, I make sure that the girls maintain a very high-quality standard and solve any problems that may arise.

Today I have a meeting with one of my favorite escorts, the beautiful Camelia, a polite girl with a great talent for sex. Over the past month, her Nuru Massage Escort Amsterdam service has become extremely popular, and I want to talk to the beautiful escort Camelia about this service to get more information and to understand if it is possible to improve it further.

Camelia wears an exquisite silver-colored sweater, jeans, and black ankle boots with a high heel. A sporty and informal look, but her body is so beautiful that she stands out even with this kind of outfit.

The meeting can begin.

“Hi Camelia, thank you for being here with me. Your performance in the last period has been excellent. A lot of customers, excellent feedback, I couldn’t be more satisfied with your work.”

“Thanks, Daiana, I have always tried to do my best in my work, and finally the results have arrived.”

“I noticed that your Nuru Massage Amsterdam escort service is in great demand by our clients. I knew you knew massages, but I didn’t think you knew Nuru massage too.”

“I have always been very passionate about massages all my life, and I have spent a lot of time studying them. I liked the idea of ​​giving people relief and of being able to excite them in a new and different way from the ordinary. During my, I have discovered many new ways to massage people, and I have become very fond of oriental massage. “

“For what reason?”

“Oriental massage is much more sensual and focused on eroticism than traditional Dutch massage. It makes me angry that many people associate massage with low-quality escort services because, in reality, massage is a real art, which deserves the utmost respect. I am always delighted when a client understands my point of view and shows respect for my skills as a masseuse. “

“You offer many massage services to clients, and in this period, the Nuru Massage Amsterdam escort service has become very popular. Tell me about this massage, in your opinion, what is the secret of the popularity of the Nuru Massage Amsterdam escort service?”

“Nuru massage is an ancient Japanese massage method that focuses on the energy of the body and giving maximum pleasure. The great peculiarity of the massage is that I perform it completely naked, and this manages to excite my client a lot. You know, seeing a beautiful naked woman is always exciting, and when this woman touches your whole body and focuses on giving you pleasure, then no man in the world can resist the power of massage. Nuru massage is designed to provide maximum pleasure, to cancel the stress, and to prepare people for sex. There are cases where the client just wants to be massaged, without having sex, but in most requests, my Nuru Massage Amsterdam escort service is only the preview of sex. First, I massage the client, and then I have a lot of sex with him. “

“Very interesting. I’m sure the sex massage is excellent, and seeing you naked is always pleasant.”

“Thanks, Daiana.”

“The massage is done only in the hotel, right?”

“Exactly, I go to the client’s hotel and perform the massage that I am asked to do. I have a bag with everything needed to perform every type of massage to perfection, and I always carry it with me.”

“Are customers always kind to you?”

“Yes, all men are kind and always put me at ease. I am a professional, and I am used to having sex with unknown people, but I really appreciate their commitment, and they’re trying to make me feel at ease in their hotel room. I really like dealing with kind and respectful people who understand my work and the importance of my time. I hate wasting time very much, and a customer who disrespects me wastes time I could commit having sex or a Nuru sex massage to a person who appreciates what I’m doing. I also appreciate cleaning, the client and I always take a good shower together before sex, and this creates a very intense bond between us. “

“Do you have any ideas for improving the Nuru massage?”

“It might be helpful to perform the massage together with another escort, and also insert a small lesbian show to increase the excitement of the clients. But the girl who will support me must know how to perform this type of massage; otherwise, the effect will not be exceptional. “

“I understand, well, then you can select the girl you want for this service, and she will support you if necessary.”

“Thanks, Daiana.”

“Thanks to your work, Camelia. Thanks to escorts like you, our service will continue to grow.”

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