Natalya escort amsterdam ready for booking tonight in hotel
Escort Booking Blonde Natalya
Natalya is a blonde who does not go unnoticed. When the young blonde escort enters a room, the atmosphere changes suddenly, and all men immediately smell the presence of a dominant female, the smell of sex and the desire that invades the air and that can excite anyone.
Natalya is a blonde and petite girl, who likes to wear makeup exquisitely, highlighting the beauty of her eyes and beautiful lips, with an elegant lipstick and a make-up studied in detail to excite, but also not to be vulgar.
Natalya loves shopping in make-up shops and buying products for the skin, eyelashes and new lipsticks with which to create new creative make-up combinations.
Natalya is not content with cheap products, but she loves only the best brands of beauty, luxury and spending money on her passions. Natalya loves beauty and invests heavily in the care of her body and her face, and luxury for her is a real drug.
Natalya is the perfect blonde for a man who lives life to the fullest of his possibilities, who loves to surround himself with beauty and quality products, like this Amsterdam escort.
The first step to start a legendary evening with Natalya is to have an intimate dinner in the best Amsterdam venue, where Natalya can feel at home and be immersed in a luxury made of porcelain dishes, crystal glasses, expensive wine, and exquisite food.
There is only one restaurant that meets Natalya’s standards, and it is the de Silveren Spiegel restaurant. Instantly book a private table for yourself and Natalya as soon as possible, and you will have the most beautiful dinner of your life, with the upsetting beauty of Natalya.
Natalya is not only beautiful but also has a great brain, she loves technology and social relationships and walking in the center of Amsterdam is life for her. Visit the Rijksmuseum together with Natalya, who loves art and painting very much and will tell you anecdotes about painters and exclusive information just for you.
Natalya will allow you to look at Amsterdam from a different point of view.
If you want to make her happy, take her on a shopping tour, and buy something just for Natalya, she will reward you in a way that you do not even imagine.
Here is the reward of Natalya, who does not like to abandon herself to romantic gestures in the crowd, but that completely changes attitude when she is in the privacy of a bedroom in a luxury hotel.
Her favorite hotel is the Teleport Amsterdam Hotel, book the best hotel room all night long, give Natalya a schedule, and call a taxi, she will arrive perfect, beautiful, perfect, sensual, with her best evening dress, her best heels and you can do whatever you want all night, and no one will have the right to bother you in any way.
In the room, you will be alone with Natalya, and you will live something indescribable.
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Natalya Amsterdam Escort Blonde
Hello, there I had a meeting in an Amsterdam Hotel with Natalya a few days ago. The idea of booking this service was in my head for a few days, after seeing photos of the girl and her profile, and in the end, I decided to use her service.
It was the first time that I contact an escort agency, and the Diana from the staff was very kind, explaining very well the rules (I agree with everything, hygiene is essential) and the rates of Natalya.
The first interview with Natalya was positive, and the girl listened to my requests very carefully and contributed with very erotic ideas and details. I have a passion for boots and the STAFF send me photographs of her shoe collection, and they told me that she could buy new ones as extra service, and of course, I accepted.
Natalya and I agreed upon the arrival at the Teleport hotel and paid in advance for 10 hours and the taxi of course at the same price. I love punctuality, and Natalya arrived 10 minutes early because the meeting was fixed one day before. She wearing the shoes she had bought and brought another pair to make things spicier and as we agree before I paid for it :).
My privacy was protected as i already ask to pass the reception and don’t ask my name and room number there. Natalya was very kind, she always use the sweet words for me, she encouraged me to give the best of me in bed, and I had a wonderful experience because the escort gave me the feeling of being happy to be with me, and not just wasting money.
My experience was positive, and I want to try other girls too.
Michael, from the Teleport Hotel.
Dear Michael, Natalya loves to realize the fantasies of each client, and she has had an incredible night with you, thanks to your generosity, education, love, and your passion. Natalya is happy for shopping and for the boots that you gave her and promised to wear them for you next time, and she will do whatever you want to make you happy next time.
The beautiful Natalya is here next to us and wishes you a happy life, and she hopes to meet you again as soon as possible because customers like you are real friends and make us understand that it is possible to create a deep bond between man and woman.
Natalya is one of the best girls I’ve ever met, amiable and kind. She charges extra for anal, but it is worth to pay it: hot butt and sexy soft tits.
Natalya is a super sexy blonde, even more, beautiful in reality than in pictures. I asked the agency to meet her at the bar. Honestly, I thought she would come, but I was shocked when she appeared in front of me, smiling. We drank a bottle of champagne both then went into the room for another three hours. We spent a while together with the dream. Her presence was memorable, she knows what she does, and she knows how to make you feel like a real man next to her. It sees that she enjoys doing it.